Wednesday, January 6, 2010

the world must be peopled!

In my book, the ubiquitous New Year's Rez is a total wash, but since I'm hooked on list-making and I'm certainly no stranger to failure, I usually jot down a few hopefuls.

This year, though, I'm circumventing all crash diets and vague resolve to "become a writer" (as meaningless a phrase as "going green") by keeping the list down to two (you heard me) goals for 2010:

1. Drink more water. I like this one because it's virtually impossible to fail. Also, it's free.

2. Slightly more challenging, I hearby declare 2010 the year of Sir William Shakespeare. Meaning I will buckle down and work my way through all 37 of his plays. (we're not talking sonnets here - blech) Then I will watch film versions with Kenneth Branagh.

So that's that. More H20. And more cross-dressing lovers than I'll know what to do with.

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