I often feel wistful for the carefree exuberance that we felt in these photos. I mean, I had red hair and a rainbow flag - life just doesn't get better than that.

And one more. Because these yellow dudes are just about the best thing in almost any movie.
I want a minion!
- E. E. Cummings
"And it is in the humble opinion of this narrator that strange things happen all the time. And so it goes, and so it goes." Magnolia, 1999.
"I'll tell you everything, and you'll tell me everything, and maybe we can get through all the piss and shit and lies that kill other people." Claudia Wilson Gator
"What am I doing? I'm quietly judging you." Frank T.J. Mackey
It’s really cool, though. Gabriel’s been fixated on Where the Wild Things Are (I think he identifies with Max). I’d like to get the recent movie version for him because it was so astoundingly inspired and lovely. Film adaptations of classic children’s lit can make me a bit uneasy, but this one was superb. It got me thinking – what other kid books would make killer movies? And then I compiled a list. Because that’s what I do.
Liz's Top Picks for Kids Books that Should be Made into Movies (as it stands after 2 minutes of thought):
The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery – Ok, so they actually DID attempt a movie version of this French masterpiece in 1974. My roommate and I checked it out of the library once, but it was rotten. They added all these super lame songs – it was just dumb. I don’t know. I adore this book, and I adore it exactly as it is – as a book. But I still think someone in the world must be creative and insightful enough to pull this adaptation off.
You can’t go wrong with Dr. Seuss (or can you?) At any rate, I’m patiently awaiting production of his pro-nature The Lorax. Woot WoOt.
Also, will someone just get the darn Hobbit done soon! The world needs a Tolkien movie sans Elijah Wood pronto!