Monday, March 8, 2010

Hands down, the most comforting thing on the planet: hugging a bundle of hot laundry fresh from the dryer.

Academy Awards 2010: dull to the max (yet oddly satisfying in its predictability).

Latest predicament: ran out of nail polish remover halfway through nail polish removal. whatta I do now?!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

fat fat fatty

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to watch the Travel Channel while maintaining a healthy body weight. Since when did this channel morph into some hybrid Food Network concoction? I'm not complaining, though. It's unexplainable, but any show that features 15-pound burgers - I cannot look away. All the while I'm pounding fistfuls of nachos into my face. Yum.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Holy cow. These above-freezing temps have triggered some serious premature spring fever.
I need to be outside.
I need to be barefoot.
I need to eat fresh fruit and put wildflowers in vases and wear cotton dresses.
So close, yet so far away. So very, very far.

Other than that, Paul let me drive his stick-shift Volvo yesterday. It was buckets of fun.

I stole a ring out of the "lost and found" at work.

LOST is on tonight! la, la, la.

My 2010 Shakespeare Mission is going well, though I'll be happy once I finish this blasted 3-part Henry VI. Good grief.