Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 13 - your favorite book/series of books

Ah, ok. Books. For this question I usually throw The Fountainhead out there. When it really comes down to it, though, I'm not entirely certain that it's my ultimate fave book of life. I love it, I love the characters, I love the writing. I don't love author Ayn Rand's philosophy (if that's what you're calling it) and I'll bet dollars to doughnuts Rand was a super bitch (not sure why I think this).

My reading time has been shamefully dwindling these months. But since I was just talking about this novel with my sissy yesterday, here's my unsolicited plug for what I thought was a champion book: Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible. I'm stunned that it appeared on a summer reading list for Holy Angels Academy, since they mostly like to waste time with weepy contemporary lit that deplores the state of helpless African Americans. True, Poisonwood is a member of Oprah's Book Club, and it does deplore the state of helpless Africans. I don't care. I'll even call it an important book. So there.

While we're on the topic of books, and for once I don't feel like I'm about to collapse from staggering fatigue - can you believe that guy who's rewriting Huck Finn?!? OK, not totally rewriting, but he's removed every occurrence of the word "nigger," and replaced it with the word "slave." Does this outrage anyone else? Am I completely overreacting? Possibly. I'm almost delirious with anger when I think about it. Just another instance of this crazy world's obsession with sterilizing anything that's not perfectly P.C. Go ahead - remove the N-word so you can teach the book in schools. Makes sense to me. While you're at it, why not modify the history textbooks too? Hey, let's go nuts and rewrite anything we please to suit our finicky, sensitive tastes. A load of hooey.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 12 - anything that makes you smile, every time

babies/toddlers in sunglasses.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 11 - your favorite meal to eat for dinner

I'm taking the liberty to tweak this one. Instead of my favorite meal to eat for dinner, how's about we talk "last meals." Last meals are a funny thing. Ask someone what they'd eat for their final meal on the planet and you may turn up some startling revelations. Take my sister, for instance. She's been a staunch vegetarian for 2 or 3 years, and you know what she's got on her menu? Freakin' meatloaf.

I'm distractedly tired, so let's cut to the chase.

Liz's Last Meal Menu:

- Spanakopita. An impossibility, but I'd have it the way my grandmother used to make it - the old Albanian way: with cottage cheese replacing the usual feta so that it's oh so creamy and perfect. We called it "spinach pie," and it is honestly one of the things I miss most about holidays from my childhood.

- Lobster.

- A custard from Anderson's. Twist. On a sugar cone, please.

- An assortment of expensive sushi.

- 4 slices of bacon.

- Veal parmesan.