Monday, February 1, 2010

mean people can be funny!

The blatant ill-will and downright snarky cruelty possessed by an overwhelming segment of the American population will never cease to astonish and bewilder my naturally polite and obliging sensibilities. Call me naive, charge me with unfounded optimism or too buoyant a personality - but I truly just can't get my mind around mean people.

Stupid people I can stomach, mostly. Who doesn't get a slight touch of the dum-dums from time to time? But unwarranted rudeness, deliberate nastiness - it just doesn't register.

There are, thankfully, those rare but oh so sublime occasions in which a mean-spirited individual with every intention of breaking someone down, inadvertently makes me giggle. Or laugh uproariously.

A personal favorite is witnessing beastly customers duke it out with EACH OTHER. Nothing satisfies the soul like a pair of ruffled suburbanites physically (and forcefully) shoving each other in impatient frustration. This weekend, though, a certain dissatisfied customer topped them all. Her comment card read:

"Spent $52 on tickets (Glenn Beck/O' Reilly show) and $25 on snacks. Think you guys could spare some soap for people using the bathroom. HOPE YOUR FAMILY GETS SWINE FLU!!!"

ha. ha. ha!

I have about 600 responses that I could slam in this woman's face. But it's not even worth it. It's sad - she will never know how hard she made me laugh. Or the fact that you're supposed to mail comment cards to our corporate office. Or that we shredded that comment card to bits. After we all had a good round of hearty laughter.

Thanks lady!

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