Tuesday, February 9, 2010

"So, what does 3D mean?"....Really? No. Shut up.

We love the sun, yes yes. Also, Jeff Buckley's vocal chords and birthdays on Fat Tuesday.

So - ten nominations for Best Picture? Why? Scrolling the list, I'm pretty sure I could whittle it down to five. Ten is just so excessive. I have this sinking feeling that Avatar will bring it home. I mean it was ok. But I hate those people who come out of the theatre all wide-eyed and wide-jawed like "OHMYGAWD that was the BEST movie I've ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE!!!" It was good, but it wasn't that good. Not "Best Picture" good.

Plus, it's difficult for me to ignore the fact that 50 consecutive days of sold-out shows has transformed me into a fire-breathing curmudgeon of death. Honest to God, I am not myself lately, no thanks to Mr. Cameron. So yeah. He's got that against him. Did he not receive enough adulation with Titanic? Down with Avatar and its insanely ludicrous dialogue!

I still have to see The Hurt Locker and An Education to make up my mind about who deserves a win. I was watching Up in the Air again today and God - it still blows me away. A brilliant, smart, effective movie. Def a fave of 2009.

Now I'm going to eat my free ice cream from the Top's Monopoly game.

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